Please note that we cannot keep you on our permit list for more than three years. You must work your way through the permit system and apply for membership within that time, or we must remove you from the list. 


Once you are on the permit list, you must Submit Your Availability online in order to be called for work. You may submit the availability form any time for the current week or for the following week.   


You can track Paint, Props, or both. Details on the category list and requirements can be found here.

The form you use to track your category hours will be emailed to you along with your Work Permit.

Ask your Head of Department or immediate supervisor to sign off on the weekly hours you work as well as your categories. Please note that it is possible you won’t get credit for ALL the category hours you work. Your Department Head has the discretion to decide how many category hours to sign off on. Don’t be disappointed if you don’t have 100% of your hours accepted. It only means you need more time. 


At the time you are called for your first work call with us, you will be issued a Level 1 Work Permit. There are 3 Levels of Work Permits and each one allows you to work for 200 hours in our shops. Use this time to collect Category Hours and Department Head signatures who can sign off on your work. 

After each 200 hour Work Permit, you must request the next Level of Work Permit. The renewal of your permit is not automatic and is at the discretion of the Local’s executive board. Your permit may be renewed twice in three years, allowing you to complete a total of 600 hours as a permittee. The work permits will indicate Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3 respectively, as your hours increase.

When you are ready to have your Work Permit renewed, you must submit a Request for Work Permit Renewal where you can enter the number of hours you’ve completed in each category. As a future member, only you are responsible for tracking your hours AND for keeping the Call Steward informed of your progress. Your employer nor the Union will track your hours for you.  

The Permit System is your pathway to membership with Local 828. You must abide by the Permit System AND Category Hour Tracking in order to qualify.

If you fail to renew your work permit after the accrual of 200 hours per level, any hours that you work before another permit is issued will not accrue toward your membership. Additionally, it is possible that you may be removed from work until a permit is issued. Depending on the amount of hours you worked without a permit, a $50 fine, suspension, or removal from the permit list are all possibilities. Your work permit may be revoked at any time if you are deemed by your employer to be unsuitable either by your conduct or your skill level. 


We will use email to communicate with you. Please make sure we have your correct email address and update us when it changes.  


Tool lists are provided here so you’ll know what to bring with you to work. Steel-toed shoes and safety glasses are always required. Please note that these lists are just the basics of what to bring to work.


Permit dues will be deducted from your pay in the amount of 4%. When you become a member, this amount decreases to 1.75%. 


If you follow these instructions, membership is possible. Please read Applying for Membership for more information. 

If after three years you qualify for membership, you must apply. If you choose not to apply or are not accepted, you will be removed from the list. Additionally, if after three years you have not worked a minimum of 600 hours, you will be removed from the list. You can apply again.


Government of Ontario Health & Safety Awareness training and WHMIS 2015 are mandatory. 

Workplace Violence and Harassment Training is also expected in most shops and required in some. 

Working at Heights training is also recommended and it must be done in person. Some calls require it.

IATSE Local 828 © 2024