We hope soon to have an option for you to pay your dues here on the web site. Wouldn’t that be neat?! But for now the routine remains as it ever was:
Dues payment schedule; 1st quarter January 1st, 2nd quarter April 1st, 3rd quarter July 1st and 4th quarter October 1st. You have until the end of the given month to pay your dues.
Dues cheques to be sent to;
Heidi Schweinbenz
c/o HKS Bookkeeping
12-2011 Bluefields Drive
Burlington Ontario, L7P 1J9
Honourable Withdrawal
To be considered an Honourable Withdrawal from the Union you must be up to date with all payments owing (dues, H&W etc…). Also, a formal request must be made in writing to the local’s Correspondence Secretary. You will still be allowed to work in the Unions contract shops as a non-member.
Dishonourable Withdrawal
If you are expelled from the Union for any reason (non-payment of dues or other debts owing, failure to abide by Union rules and regulations, disreputable behaviour) you will be considered a Dishonourable Withdrawal. Members who have been Dishonourably Withdrawn will not be allowed to work in any of the Unions contract shops and said shop owners will be notified. If you have been Dishonourably withdrawn for non-payment of dues you can change your status to Honourable Withdrawal by repayment of all monies owed to the Local.